Support and Documentation

Setting Up RAW Printing for macOS / OS X

Before using PrintNode to send RAW commands to your printer, you will need to install your printer as a RAW printer. Please check with your printer manufacturer that your printer is capable of receiving RAW print data before following these instructions.

Open a terminal window

Navigate to your Applications folder. Under Utilities you will find Terminal. Alternatively, type cmd+space and type "terminal" into Spotlight search.

Enable the CUPS web interface

Type sudo cupsctl WebInterface=yes into the Terminal and hit enter. You will be required to enter your password to complete this step.

Navigate to the CUPS web interface

Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:631.

Add a printer

Click on the Administration tab then click Add Printer. You will be required to enter a username and password. If this results in a "forbidden" error, you may need to be logged in as an administrator.

Select a printer

Select the printer you want to add and click Continue.

Enter Name, Description and Location

These can be anything you like.

Select Raw as the make

Select Raw and click continue.

Finish the installation

Click Add Printer. Leave Starting Banner and Ending Banner as "none". Click Set Default Options.

Your printer should now be ready to receive RAW print commands. If you have any problems, please contact PrintNode support.